I'm a freelancer who specializes in motion graphics, I love to showcase my talents through storytelling and good design. I would love to work with anyone that has a story to tell or a passion for design and create something that would be amazing to show everyone. --- **Employment and project experience** **Junior 2D Animator** BUCK _September 2020 - March 2023


I'm a freelancer who specializes in motion graphics, I love to showcase my talents through storytelling and good design. I would love to work with anyone that has a story to tell or a passion for design and create something that would be amazing to show everyone. --- **Employment and project experience** **Junior 2D Animator** BUCK _September 2020 - March 2023

Available to hire
credit-card $500 per day ($62.5 per hour)

I’m a freelancer who specializes in motion graphics,
I love to showcase my talents through storytelling and good design. I would love to work with anyone that has a story to tell or a passion for design and create something that would be amazing to show everyone.

Employment and project experience

Junior 2D Animator BUCK
_September 2020 - March 2023

See more


Motion Graphic
2D Animation
AI Collection (Video)

Experience Level

Motion Graphic
2D Animation
AI Collection (Video)


Bachelors of Arts at Ringling college of art and design
August 15, 2016 - May 20, 2020

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment
    uniE608 Weekend Update
    A personal project showing how a rebrand for SNL's Weekend Update could be. Took inspiration from New York's Subway system and lifestyle. animator filmdirector graphic designer
    uniE608 I Remember Me
    a poem read and animated in a style that best fitted the words eloquently said video storytelling animator filmdirector

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