I'm a Kenyan musician doing different types of genres in the art. I have been recording and releasing music since 2020 and have worked with other talented musici like Afro-Asian trio, Feykers Knights and also Bene Sins. Music knows no boundaries and good music connects with different people with different cultures and views, thus the reason for being a versatile artist


I'm a Kenyan musician doing different types of genres in the art. I have been recording and releasing music since 2020 and have worked with other talented musici like Afro-Asian trio, Feykers Knights and also Bene Sins. Music knows no boundaries and good music connects with different people with different cultures and views, thus the reason for being a versatile artist

Available to hire
credit-card $69 per day ($8.63 per hour)

I’m a Kenyan musician doing different types of genres in the art. I have been recording and releasing music since 2020 and have worked with other talented musici like Afro-Asian trio, Feykers Knights and also Bene Sins.
Music knows no boundaries and good music connects with different people with different cultures and views, thus the reason for being a versatile artist

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    uniE603 Big Flex
    Some people think being rich is a big flex, others, being successful. But what really is the big flex. This song tries to answer that question while still being enjoyable rap music thatguyultra
    uniE603 Glow Up
    This song is for encouragment. We all glow at a certain stage in life. A glow that changes us from who we were to be better music thatguyultra
    uniE603 Roll Another One
    A song for the marijuana users who enjoy the herb. Good music and weed are proved to lift up someones mood and bring a feeling of satisfaction and relaxation Roll another one for the day I wrote the song and worked with Karanh, a member of the Afro -Asian trio, Feykers Knights rollanotherone thatguyultra music
    uniE603 Jiggle Groovy Way
    The song is a club banger for those hype and good moments in the club. A song that will keep the listeners on their feet music thatguyultra
    uniE603 Prince of Virgo
    The song is a freestyle. No topic in particular in the song music thatguyultra
    uniE603 This Crew
    This is a party themed song about that one crew most people have with them: family, friends, colleagues e.t.c ThisCrew thatguyuultra